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Getting Into Craft Beer

I love craft beer as you might have guessed from my beer ratings page or the abundance of articles I’ve written about beer. I also happen to think that everyone can learn to like beer. Obviously not everyone cares enough to learn to like beer, but I think that everyone has it in them to find a beer that they enjoy.

Why get into craft beer?

From my article Why Get Into Beer?:

  1. There are kinds of flavors that are only really in beer
  2. There are more places that you can go to when you are into beer
  3. You can even have beer as a hobby and get back as much as you want to put in

How should I go about getting into craft beer?

Along your journey I would recommend that you download the app Untappd, which is pretty much the craft beer app. I use it religiously (Why I rate every beer that I drink), but I think that it is great for beer newcomers because it has so much information to help you find beers and also remember which beers you liked and didn’t like.

I don’t think that getting into craft beer is that hard. Tapping in is easy, but finding a beer/style you like can be harder. It will definitely take time, but that’s okay if you just let yourself enjoy the journey.

  1. Choose a beer style
  2. Develop your beer taste buds
  3. Try a lot of beer and slowly hone your idea of what you like and don’t like (this doesn’t have to be that expensive either!)

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