Structured Visual Play
Keep in mind that this is still a Work in Progress.
A lot of my previous work has been in making STEM education, Computer Science Education in particular, more fun and engaging.
- Change Maker
- Graph Guesser
- Speedy Math/Math Slayer
- Math Matrix
- Type Shooter/Type Racer
Visualization + Interactivity
- Binary Explorer
- Code can be hard to visualize. Print statements is a kind of visualization because otherwise you can have no insight into the execution of your program.
- Turtle has been around since Logo, Jeroo is just an iteration of it
- Building on the idea of play is video games and trying to hijack student motivation/interest
1. Meme Maker
- The student uses HTML and CSS to modify the image source and top and bottom caption texts of a meme.
- Student Actions:
- Modify the text content of existing tags. (i.e. changing the text of the meme)
- Modify the attributes of existing tags. (i.e. changing the
src to another image)
- Modify the existing tags to transform them to different tags. (i.e. changing <h1> to <h3>)
2. Comic Creator
- The student uses HTML and CSS to create a multi-paneled webcomic with images and differently styled caption boxes.
- Student Actions:
- Use <div>, <p>, <u>, <i>, <b> tags. (i.e. making a comic panel with a rich text caption)
- Use inline CSS styling. (i.e. changing the color of a caption)
3. Blog Publisher
- The student uses HTML and CSS to create a mock blog about one of their interests.
- Student Actions:
- Use <div>, <table>, <ul>, <ol>, <p>, <h?>, and other ways of organizing information. (i.e. making a chart)