@reeshuffled on Github

Big Questions

Inspired by Tracy Durnell’s page of the same name.

A lot of my writing is an effort to understand the world around me. These questions are not always at the forefront of my mind while writing, but I think they do help trace an undercurrent to a lot of my work on this site.

I have the more central questions bolded, with the various articles that I have written and deemed to fall under that question. I also identified a sub-question that I think was at the center of each post.

How can we connect to people (at scale)?

What are the possibilities of non-monogamy in transforming the way that we connect and relate to others?

How can we get more people to eat plant-based?

How can we teach children ethical principles in order to accelerate their own moral development and/or help them be the best members of a polite society?