@reeshuffled on Github

Making the IndieWeb Beginner-Friendly

Keep in mind that this is still a Work in Progress.

Why the IndieWeb? Why make it easier?

Software has been getting increasingly complex, which includes making websites. However, there has been a recent move to make it easier or to strip it down to its bare essentials.

The IndieWeb comes partly from the idea that we should own our content


Creating Easy-to-Use Tooling

If we use GitHub Pages + Jekyll, we can easily publish static-sites.

Jekyll and Git/GitHub are not the most user-friendly, but I think that there can be tooling built to abstract the setup and command line and provide some assistance with source control and publishing then it’s a pretty easy tool to have for kids or adults to start learning with.

The easiest and potentially most high-impact way I can think of doing this is by creating a VSCode extension.



Use IndieWeb resources like the wiki

Create more a curriculum so that people can understand the massive number of things that you can do with your own website

What IndieWeb concepts should be taught?

IndieWeb Pages

IndieWeb Concepts:

General Web Concepts:

Blog Posts: Tagging and Categories