@reeshuffled on Github

Favorite Articles That I've Written

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This anthology is a mixture of articles that I am the most proud of and/or that were the most fun to write. A lot of times those two things are related, but not always!

I tried grouping these articles mostly for myself to understand what kind of things I like to write and why. Some articles fit into multiple categories and some resisted categorization, but I tried my best to be as accurate as possible for my own sake.

Iā€™m sure that there are other reasons and articles that I have somehow missed, but I will continue to update this page as I write more.

I love writing retrospectives.

I love applying philosophy and critical thinking to every day topics.

I like developing my life approach and opinions in public.

I like to write things that I think can be helpful to people.

I like to write about things that interest me and that I think more people should know about.

I like writing about my technical accomplishments and how others can implement it for themself.