@reeshuffled on Github

Personal Data Overview

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“Owning your data” is an IndieWeb principle that aims to bring your data onto your own domain so that you can retain access to it over time and reclaim it from “data siloes”. I’m interested in data ownership and personal data centralization in part due to the fact that I think it is cool to be able to curate your own data and choose to present it if/how you wish. When data is being held by some other company, app, or website, you’re stuck with their presentation layer and their analytics. But also discoverability is mostly contained within that website. You could always link back to those kind of services from your own website but having people leave your website to go to another website is always kind of a hard sell.

Overview of how I wrangle my personal data from the various platforms they are housed/collected in.

As you may be able to surmise from the navigation menu sections, I thematically divide my data into different sections:

  1. Consumption
    • Mostly media consumption with Beer being the odd one out, but I didn’t want to have it as an orphan in its own section because I don’t really plan on tracking other food/beverage intake
  2. Workouts/Physical Activity
    • Mostly workout data that I have logged/tracked via my Apple Watch but I also have my old swimming times from when I swam competitively that I also didn’t want to orphan it in its own section but I think it fits well enough
  3. Library/Media Collections
    • A catalog of the media that I own, separated out by type of physical media