@reeshuffled on Github

Articles & Essays

I don't have a hard and fast distinction for articles vs essays that I publish, but for me I think of essays to be much more heavily edited and focused than an article.

See a list of my favorite articles that I've written here.



IndieWeb Carnival: Rituals

My submission to August 2024's IndieWeb Carnival topic: Rituals.

Tagged: IndieWeb/Meta-blogging, Living Better



Jekyll Page Backlinks Without Plugins

Adding backlinks to pages in Jekyll in Pure Liquid.

Tagged: Jekyll



I Surveyed My Friends' Event Preferences - Part 2

Analysis of event preference survey results in regards to event type.

Tagged: Hosting



The Joy of Creating Software For Others

An essay about the joy of creating software for others and the love that it takes to make great software.

Tagged: Programming, Loving Better



I Surveyed My Friends' Event Preferences - Part 1

Analysis of event preference survey results in regards to event pricing, size, and timing.

Tagged: Hosting




My system for eating vegan at home, but non-vegan outside of the house.

Tagged: Veganism



Owning My Data

An exploration of the relative implementation complexity of collecting and visualizing my own data.

Tagged: IndieWeb/Meta-blogging



Non-Romantic Partnerships

A look into what RA as CNM might look like implemented, especially as an aromantic person.

Tagged: Non-monogamy



How to Answer Hinge Prompts


Tagged: Dating



Asexuality, Attraction, and Desire

A philosophical account of asexuality, sexual attraction, and sexual desire.

Tagged: Philosophy



How to Dress Yourself

An exploration of what personal style is and how to find it.

Tagged: Personal Style



Adopting Relationship Anarchy as CNM

A personal exploration into Relationship Anarchy as a practice of Consensual Non-Monogamy.

Tagged: Non-monogamy



Funk or Groove?

A reflection on my yearly word now that we are halfway through 2024.

Tagged: Living Better



How to Live Alone

Living alone, especially for the first time, can be daunting, but there are some things that you can do to make it far more enjoyable.

Tagged: Living Better



How to bulk edit Jekyll frontmatter with Python

A guide on how to bulk edit Jekyll post frontmatter with python-frontmatter and oyaml.

Tagged: Jekyll



We Need More IRL Friends to Lovers

People love to read the friends to lovers trope, but why not bring it into their own lives?

Tagged: Love/Romance



Search with SimpleJekyllSearch

My modifications to Jake Lee's configuration of SimpleJekyllSearch to fit my Digital Garden.

Tagged: Jekyll



Listening At A Distance March 2024 Edition

The March 2024 edition of Listening at a Distance: A Monthly Co-Created Music Newsletter.

Tagged: Music/Vinyl, Listening at a Distance



Listening At A Distance February 2024 Edition

The February 2024 edition of Listening at a Distance: A Monthly Co-Created Music Newsletter.

Tagged: Music/Vinyl, Listening at a Distance



Push vs Pull Social Media Usage

Applying polling vs event driven systems architecture concepts to social media usage.

Tagged: Social Media



Romantic abolitionism

Should we abolish the concept of romantic love?

Tagged: Love/Romance



Building Yourself In Public

Outlining a model of social media usage that maximizes social interaction and engagement from close friends.

Tagged: Social Media



What Do I Do As A Data Engineer?

An examination of what a Data Engineer is and the kind the projects I work on as one.

Tagged: Software Engineering/Career



Creating a Flexible Permalinking System in Jekyll

How to create and maintain a flexible permalinking system in Jekyll for your posts.

Tagged: Jekyll



Finding My Groove in 2024

Setting my new word of year for 2024: Groove.

Tagged: Living Better



How do I decide my favorite breweries?

An exploration of what it means to have a favorite brewery in the face of imperfection and changing tastes.

Tagged: Beer



My 2023 Wrapped

My second ever year wrapped where I analyze my data in a Spotify Wrapped-esque manner.

Tagged: Living Better



Using jekyll-feed + XSLT with GitHub Pages

A guide on how to set up and use the jekyll-feed plugin on GitHub Pages to create a stylized feed.xml for RSS feeds.

Tagged: Jekyll



Listening to a New Album a Day

I tried listening to at least a new album a day for two weeks in order to find new music.

Tagged: Music/Vinyl



2023: My Year of Intention

A reflection of my 2023 Word of the Year: Intention.

Tagged: Living Better



I Drank 1,000 Beers!

Analyzing my Untappd data after trying 1,000 unique beers.

Tagged: Beer



What Makes A Great Brewery Experience?

There are a lot of good breweries, but what makes one great?

Tagged: Beer



Reflecting on 50 Posts

A look at how my blog and I have changed over 50 posts to my blog.

Tagged: IndieWeb/Meta-blogging



Developing A Non-Hierarchical View of Friendships

Friendships are one of the most important things in our life, and I think that we could all benefit from re-evaluating how we think about them.

Tagged: Loving Better



Post and Author Age Without Plugins

How to display post and author age in Jekyll via JavaScript.

Tagged: Jekyll



What Are Hobbies and Interests?

An examination of the essences of hobbies and interests and why that's helpful to you/how to put it into practice.

Tagged: Living Better



How to Try More Beer

Various ways to try more craft beer and fill out that Untappd profile.

Tagged: Beer



How I Shop For Vinyl

My methodology for keeping track, purchasing, and minimizing cost of record shopping.

Tagged: Music/Vinyl



BYO Vinyl Night/Potluck

An event to listen to music & eat food in good company.

Tagged: Hosting



Stock the Bar Party

Bring a bottle to enjoy together with friends.

Tagged: Hosting



Why Get Into Beer?

Reasons why you should give beer a chance.

Tagged: Beer



Should You Buy Vinyl?

Reflections on whether playing music via vinyl and buying/collecting vinyl is a worthwhile endeavor.

Tagged: Music/Vinyl



The Walkability of Arlington, VA

My personal experience and opinions on Arlington, VA and its urban planning.

Tagged: Urban Planning/Public Transportation



Human Consciousness is not Uniform

A reflection about how and why human consciousness is not uniform.

Tagged: Cognitive Science



Do I Use My Degrees?

A reflection on whether or not my fields of study were "useful" and if I regret them.

Tagged: College



On Regifting

An examination of the reasons for moral unease around regifting and how to do properly in order to be more sustainable and anti-consumerist.

Tagged: Loving Better



How To Buy Beer Like A Nerd

My methodology of buying craft beer in a way that diversifies risk and maximizes enjoyment.

Tagged: Beer



Living Seasonally

A guide of how to live in tune with the seasons.

Tagged: Living Better



An Ode to Short Sleeve Button Down Shirts

I am the number one short sleeve button down shirt apologist.

Tagged: Personal Style



Room Lighting Design

How to light your rooms to make them feel warm.

Tagged: Interior Design



Choosing Seating For My One Bedroom Apartment

My thought process and solutions found for seating in my one-bedroom apartment.

Tagged: Interior Design



Word Count Statistics Without Plugins

Word Count Statistics Without Plugins

Tagged: Jekyll



Numeric Value Humanization Without Plugins

Numeric Value Humanization Without Plugins

Tagged: Jekyll



Getting Posts by Tag

How I improved my Liquid code in Jekyll to display posts by tag.

Tagged: Jekyll



How to Augment Your Memory With A Calendar

A way to use your calendar to store temporal information for easy lookup and analysis later.

Tagged: Maintaining a Second Brain, Calendars



Own Your Tools

You should own your tools, and why I don't (yet).

Tagged: Maintaining a Second Brain



Programming "Patterns"

A practical model for algorithmic decomposition.

Tagged: Computer Science Education



A Mental Model of Programming as Data Manipulation

A model for understanding computation that is good for beginners or people who are looking to learn program without too much Computer Science theory.

Tagged: Computer Science Education



How to Get Into Beer

A guide on how to get into craft beer.

Tagged: Beer



Using a Cork Board as an Art Display

Tips about how to use and style a cork board as a way to display art instead of a gallery wall.

Tagged: Interior Design



Finding a Good Budget-Friendly Media Display Shelf

My quest to find a cheap, aesthetic record and magazine display shelf.

Tagged: Interior Design



Using a Baker's Rack as a Beverage Bar

Using a Baker's Rack, create the beverage bar of your dreams: serve up coffee or cocktails from a stylish work surface/storage solution.

Tagged: Interior Design



Pick Two and A Side

A framework for planning extracurricular involvement in order to achieve balance in your college life.

Tagged: College



College Goal Setting

A holistic framework for setting goals for the various aspects of your life during college.

Tagged: College



Love Languages Are Fake. So What?

Love Languages were created by a somewhat problematic marriage counselor and are not evidence-based/supported by science. Does this mean that Love Languages should be scrapped entirely? I think that with some rehabilitation, the concept of Love Languages can still provide a lot of utility to people.

Tagged: Loving Better, Love/Romance



Things I Do (Almost) Everyday

The results from reflecting about the things that I do (almost) everyday.

Tagged: Living Better



Choosing a Delivery Mechanism for New Blog Posts

How can you distribute post notifications for a static site with no server-side code?

Tagged: IndieWeb/Meta-blogging



5 Lessons I Learned About Living Alone

In summer of 2023, I moved into an apartment by myself and started living alone for the first time in my life. These are my reflections and lessons learned from the first month of living alone about the pros and cons of living alone.

Tagged: Living Better



You Won't Get Left Behind

On AI hype and why you can just watch it ride out for now.

Tagged: Artificial Intelligence



Could a Machine Like a Burrito?

On the separation of consciousness and human-like qualities.

Tagged: Artificial Intelligence



Why I Log Every Beer That I Drink

How and why I rate all the beers that I drink.

Tagged: Beer



Libraries and Starting My Own?

A look at how libraries and librarians have shaped my life, and how I want to stay connected with them.

Tagged: Reading



My Reading Journey

An exploration of how my attitudes and habits toward reading have changed over time.

Tagged: Reading



Living Slower and More Intentionally

A reflection on how in 2023, I want to live more intentionally.

Tagged: Living Better



My 2022 Wrapped

A Spotify Wrapped-esque analysis of my Google Calendar data.

Tagged: Living Better



My Philosophy Degree in a Nutshell

A retrospective at all the courses I took at UMBC for my Philosophy B.A.

Tagged: College



My CS Degree in a Nutshell

A retrospective at all the courses I took at UMBC for my Computer Science B.S.

Tagged: College



My Advice for Incoming College Students

A collection of my advice for incoming college students that I wrote and compiled right before I graduated.

Tagged: College



Theoretical Virtues of Major Theories of Time

In this paper, I have two main goals. The first of which is to develop an account of why people believe or choose to believe certain scientific and/or metaphysical theories, with an focus on theories of time. In particular, I will argue that people choose to believe intuition-preserving theories of time (intuition-preservation as a theoretical virtue). Additionally, I consider if this is a good thing or not, and whether people should evaluate theories on the basis of intuition-preservation. The second goal is to use the developed account to examine the theoretical virtues of some of the most popular competing metaphysical theories of time, namely: Presentism, Growing Block Theory, and Eternalism.

Tagged: Philosophy



Uprooting the Flame

In this paper, I will argue that, following the advice of the Buddhists and Stoics, we should extirpate anger from ourselves for the betterment of ourselves, and to a greater extent, our society. First, I will describe the Aristeolian “containment” view of anger. Then I will present an argument that anger is a categorically negative emotion. Next, I will consider a common objection, of which I think is the strongest pro-anger argument, that anger is actually good because it is a necessary moral emotion, especially in responding to instances of injustice. Finally, I will show why this is not a satisfactory explanation by arguing for grief, rather than anger, as a way to motivate against injustice.

Tagged: Philosophy



Why I Think IAP Spoofing is Stealing

A philosophical argument as to why I think in-app purchase spoofing is theft.

Tagged: Philosophy



Holes (Pretty Good Movie/Pretty Tough Ontological Question)

In this essay I argue that holes cannot exist.

Tagged: Philosophy



Evaluating Anti-Platonist Approaches to Mathematics

In this paper, I will first explain Platonism and its relation to mathematics and reconstruct arguments against it to show how mathematical objects ultimately cannot exist. I will then explore logicism and formalism in order to critically evaluate how they create truth for mathematical propositions and the problems that they have that could or should prevent mainstream philosophical adoption. Finally, I will explain Benacerraf’s structuralism and why I think it is the best Anti-Platonist explanation for the philosophical foundation of mathematics.

Tagged: Philosophy



Incongruity Theory in the Philosophy of Humor

In this paper, I will first explain Platonism and its relation to mathematics and reconstruct arguments against it to show how mathematical objects ultimately cannot exist. I will then explore logicism and formalism in order to critically evaluate how they create truth for mathematical propositions and the problems that they have that could or should prevent mainstream philosophical adoption. Finally, I will explain Benacerraf’s structuralism and why I think it is the best Anti-Platonist explanation for the philosophical foundation of mathematics.

Tagged: Philosophy