Socially acceptable when2meet for friend hangouts
Stub • 166 Words • Calendars • 02/14/2024
the scheduling tango described by Maggie Appleton is so relatable
- when2meet isn’t perfect and neither are appointment calendars, but they are a step in the right direction i think
- the only problem is that it may seem too business like to schedule time in this manner
- is this just a social norm thing that we can get rid of?
is there a social algorithm that we could use?
- is it more effective to ask people when they are free or when they are not free? and then work from there
- potential algo:
- you both send which days you prefer and then find a commonality
- with the common day, you send which times you prefer and then find a commonality
- you lock in the day and time that you both agree to
- if you front load the days and times that you are free the text takes too long
- but if you space it out over texts, you are then dependent on when the other person responds