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Reimagining Romance

All links in this anthology are to things that I have written on my site. In this anthology I am attempting to “glue” my various thoughts on romance together in a more singular, cohesive piece.

Part I: Problems With Romance

I do not think that romance/romantic relationships should be a primary life goal.

For one, romantic desire is fickle and sometimes hard to cultivate and keep alive, all of which makes me believe it to be a dubious foundation for a long-term relationship.

I think that the social organization and social messaging around romance and marriage makes us expect too much out of these relationships.

The problem with romance is that it has a lot of conceptual baggage, like societal norms, many of which are outdated and don’t serve people as well as they used to, if they ever did at all.

Part II: Reimagining Romance

I don’t think of romance as a mind-independent category. Not only is it socially influenced, it is personally constructed (unique to each person) and necessarily exclusive (can only be applied to a limited number people in your life).

There are a number of different (reasonable) positions that you can hold in regards to reimagining romance.

Part III: My Vision For Romance

I think that I fall somewhere between the Reformer and Abolitionist position (which is somewhat funny seeing as I made up both terms).

I think that non-monogamous romance that doesn’t necessarily lead to partnership would be the ideal state of romance in society.

I think that for child-rearing or other domestic tasks, that Non-Romantic Partnerships could fulfill the role that romantic relationships currently play in that regard, perhaps even better than romantic relationships.

All in all, I want to see a world with love at the center of all relationships and relationships at the center of life.